March Health Days to Note

We highlight the causes that Canadians are spreading awareness of, nationally, that relate to mental health and mental wellness. Some are based in Canada, while others are globally-focused.

During March we have a multitude of reasons to learn more, to listen more, and definitely enjoy more music!

Self-Injury Awareness Day - March 1

  • Self-injury Awareness Day (SIAD) (also known as Self-Harm Awareness Day) is a grassroots annual global awareness event/campaign on March 1, where on this day, and in the weeks leading up to it and after, some people choose to be more open about their own self-harm, and awareness organizations make special efforts to raise awareness about self-harm and self-injury.

5 Days for the Homeless Month

  • 5 Days is a national campaign run by the Canadian Association of Business Students that strives to raise awareness and donations for members of society that are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Check website to see if your school is participating.

Music Therapy Awareness Month

  • March is Music Therapy Awareness Month in Canada.  It’s the perfect opportunity to learn how and when to access the services of a Certified Music Therapist (MTA).

  • This year’s campaign asks the public to “Look for the MTA.”   There are many individuals playing guitars, pianos, metronomes and ukuleles out there in the hospitals and community – but if you want therapy (and the world needs that more than ever right now) then “look for the MTA.” #MTA2022 

National Social Work Month

  • March is National Social Work Month. Social work was essential before the pandemic, crucial during the pandemic, and now more than ever, social workers are #InCriticalDemand

Nutrition Month

  • During Nutrition Month 2022, dietitians will explore the key “ingredients” needed to change our food systems for a healthier tomorrow. These ingredients will take the form of actions that can improve an individual’s health in addition to systemic changes that can be made, not just for today, but for the future.

International Women's Day - March 8

  • March 8 is International Women's Day. It’s a global day to recognize and celebrate women’s and girls’ social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. It’s also a time to raise awareness of the progress made towards achieving gender equality and the work remaining to be done.

World Sleep Day - March 18

  • Canadian Sleep Society , World Sleep Day 

  • For World Sleep Day 2022, our theme and slogan is Quality Sleep, Sound Mind, Happy World. How does quality sleep help maintain mental health? How might better sleep help people focus during the day? Or how might fatigue weigh us down physically, mentally, and emotionally? Help us share the importance of quality sleep for these reasons and for all of the other many reasons that sleep is a foundational pillar of human health.

Brain Awareness Week - March 14 to 20

  • Brain Awareness Week is the global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science. Every March, partners host imaginative activities in their communities that share the wonders of the brain and the impact brain science has on our everyday lives.

World Down Syndrome Day - March 21 

  • World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) , 21 March, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012.

  • The date for WDSD being the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. 

World Bipolar Day - March 30

  • Whether you’re living with bipolar disorder, loving someone, or just supporting mental wellness, we’re all in this together. Join us to celebrate this year’s World Bipolar Day theme, #BipolarTogether, on March 30th!

Childhood Arthritis Month

  • It is estimated that as many as 25,000 Canadian children aged 18 and under live with a form of arthritis. The Arthritis Society offers numerous resources to help families live better with childhood arthritis.

You might want to participate in the online conversation, raise awareness in your community, or learn how to better support a loved one. There are many ways to support the mental health and mental wellness of those around you!

Stacey Perlin

Chairperson | Project Manager | Special Effects Professional | Artist | 🏳️‍🌈

Mindfulness in Canada


Technological Perspective of the Research